Children's Book Illustrations

Valerie Bouthyette
Are you ready to publish your book?
Now that you've written your childrens book you are probably ready to share it with the world.
I can complete your illustrations and create a beautiful print ready file for you to upload for publication.
This is how it works:
Provide me with your manuscript and any illustration suggestions you might have.
Within a week I will provide you with sketches in a mock layout for review.
You then get two rounds of edits to illustrations if needed and upon your approval
I complete the illustrations and place them into the layout.
At that point you will be furnished a low res. copy of your book to proofread.
You get 2 rounds of edits to the text. Since you are responsilbe for the final proof,
it is highly suggested that you have a couple of different people read the file
just in case you've missed anything.
Once edits are done, you're ready to upload your book to the publishing house of
your choice. Upon final payment, you will recieve a full res. 300dpi pdf for print.
Payments as follows:
50% to begin
25% upon delivery of sketches
25% Ready to print files.