The Adventures of Bright is a Soon to be Released Animated Children's Story. Play games and find out more on this anticipated debut at:...
Messenger Boy - Coming in Print soon!
Here is the new cover for Messenger Boy's print version whcih will be coming out soon from Futureword Publishing. This is the book that...
Where's Puppito?
Back by populare demand....or at least I'd like to think so, is my first ever app. A cute little game for toddlers that keep them busy...
5 More of you!
He did it again! Darryl Green and Mary Rose have come up with anothe amazing book! Available soon on Amazon but you can get the latest up...
Sawyer's Speed - Coming soon!
Excited about a new book coming out soon! Sawyer's Speed is about a slug and a race horse...great story by a fabulous author: Tim Nelson....
Working on new Animated Film Trailer
Sketch from a new animated film I am currently working on based on my book Messenger Boy.